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Get Started

Fiberplane Studio is a local debugging companion designed to help you to build, test, and develop Hono APIs.

  1. Set up a Hono project

    You can set up a basic Hono project via your terminal:

    Terminal window
    npm create hono@latest -- my-app

    If you want a project that includes an ORM, a database, and is ready to deploy, we recommend using HONC 🪿:

    Terminal window
    npm create honc@latest
  2. Add the Fiberplane Studio client

    Install the Studio client library in your Hono project. The client library will report traces to the local Fiberplane Studio and give you rich application context while you’re developing.

    Terminal window
    npm i @fiberplane/hono-otel

    Add the client library to index.ts

    import { instrument } from "@fiberplane/hono-otel";
    import { Hono } from "hono";
    const app = new Hono<{ Bindings: Bindings }>();
    app.get("/", (c) => {
    return c.text("Hello Hono!");
    export default instrument(app);
  3. Launch Fiberplane Studio

    In a new terminal window start Fiberplane Studio from your project directory:

    Terminal window
    npx @fiberplane/studio

    Finally, start (or restart) your application, and you’re ready to go!

Next steps