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Make Requests

Requests. Everybody loves a good HTTP request. Right? Don’t they? Surely they do.

Fiberplane Studio makes it easy to fire off requests against your API. Once you’re up and running locally, the first page you see in Studio leaves you a single click away from making your first request.

First request

Your First Request

When using Fiberplane Studio with the Hono client library, Studio automatically detects the routes in your Hono API and displays them in the sidebar.

In the example above, the first route, GET /, is selected by default. By clicking Send , we make a request to our API, and see the response in the panel below. (You can also hit cmdenter to send the request.)

If there were any logs along the way, we can see them in the “Debug” section.

We can repeat this process for any of the routes in our API, adding whatever query parameters, headers, or body payloads we need.

Request Bodies

We love JSON. It’s a great data format, and we’re huge fans. To that end, request body payloads in Studio are JSON by default. If you have a route like POST /api/geese, you can fill in the request body as follows:

Create goose

However, as much as we love JSON, sometimes you do need to send a blob or submit a form. Fair enough.

To modify the body payload, click the body selector along the bottom of the request panel, and select the type you want to use.

Body selector

This will render different inputs depending on the body payload, and when necessary, change the Content-Type header to match the type of the body you’re sending.

Let’s see how we would send the same body payload as before, but this time as an application/x-www-form-urlencoded request.

Form Data example body payload

In this case, we selected Form from the dropdown, and Studio rendered a form with fields for each of the properties in our Goose object. We can also attach a file to a form, and it will be sent as a multipart/form-data request.

If you just want to send a file, you can attach it directly to the request, and it will be sent with the content-type application/octet-stream, unless you specify otherwise.

Request History

In the routes sidebar, there’s a section called “History”. This is where you can see all the requests you’ve made to your API.

Request history

Click on a request in the history, and you’ll see the details of the corresponding request and response appear in the main panels. If you want to re-run the request, just click the “Send” button again!

Custom Routes

What if you want to make a request to an API route that isn’t detected via the Client Library? Or perhaps to a staging service? We got you covered.

In the routes panel, click the + button and select “Custom Route”. Add the url and method you want to use, and click “Save”.

Custom routes

Importing OpenAPI Specs

If you have an OpenAPI spec handy, you can also import it by clicking the + button. All your routes will be automatically added to the sidebar.

Copy as cURL

Recall our route POST /api/geese, which creates a goose. Remember we filled in the body with the data we want to send to the server as follows:

"name": "Gus",
"isFlockLeader": true,
"programmingLanguage": "Go",
"motivations": "To lead the flock to new heights",
"location": "Central Park"

If we wanted to replicate this request from the terminal, we can copy its corresponding cURL command by clicking the “Copy as cURL” button in the bottom right of the request panel.

Copy request as cURL command

This would copy the following cURL command to your clipboard:

Terminal window
curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8787/api/geese' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"name": "Gus",
"isFlockLeader": true,
"programmingLanguage": "Go",
"motivations": "To lead the flock to new heights",
"location": "Central Park"

Websockets (Coming soon!)

The current version of Fiberplane Studio does not support opening a Websocket connection and sending messages to a client API. But we’re working on it!

If you want to see this feature sooner rather than later, be sure to chime in on our open GitHub issue that’s tracking Websocket support.